What the Foundation at last recognized as of late was the basic truth that the web was at that point very much aware of: Brendan Fraser is a wonderfully healthy individual who merits the very best on the planet. It's been an unpleasant ride for the person we as a whole fell head over heels for in The Mummy motion pictures, however we're delighted to see him in a good place again at long last.
The primary significant battle in Fraser's life was his separation. His ex, Afton Smith, met Fraser in 1993, and they got hitched five years after the fact. And keeping in mind that their adoration for one another didn't actually appear to have disappeared, they got a separation in 2007. Right now, Fraser's profession was at that point getting in somewhat of a downturn and the separation was exceptionally harsh on him. In the end, both Fraser and Smith chose to agree to assist their youngsters.

The children being something they both actively kept out of the public eye. It’s a known fact at this point that Fraser does whatever he can to protect his children and give them all the love in the world they need. It wasn’t until the premiere of The Whale that the younger sons, Holden and Leland, made a rare public appearance. As for Fraser’s oldest son, Griffin, that’s a bit of a different story.
Griffin was diagnosed with autism, but once again Brendan Fraser steps up to show us what an amazing person he really is. He praises his son constantly for his different view of the world, claiming that he’s a person who doesn’t know cynicism or insults. He even calls him a “manifestation of love” and praises his other sons for always taking care of Griffin.
It was Fraser’s experience with Griffin that helped him shape his character for The Whale. Griffin is apparently a big guy, so this helped Fraser understand intimately what it means to live with someone who suffers from obesity.

The love that Fraser has for his kids really shines through in his performance in The Whale, and I think I speak for the entire internet when I say that we’re just glad that he’s back. Let’s hope it’s for good this time!