This is one of those tips that make you wonder, "Where does it come from?" Well, just hear us out! Putting a bar of soap under your pillow or bed sheet can actually work wonders for your health. Read on to discover the benefits, and you'll probably do it too!
1. Relieving Leg Cramps

Dr. Oz, known for his regular appearances on The Oprah Winfrey Show, recommended tucking a bar of soap under your bed sheet while you sleep. The soap contains minerals such as magnesium which help ease painful spasms in your feet and legs.
2. Improving Sleep Quality

Since a bar of soap under your sheet is effective at relieving your nocturnal pain, as a result, it can also help you get a good night's sleep. You'll be less likely to be woken up by any sudden and involuntary cramps in the middle of a night.
3. Reducing Swelling

After a long day of sitting or standing, you might find your legs quite swollen. In this case, a bar of natural pure lavender soap under your sheet might help to reduce such symptoms. Wellness Trends points out that lavender is rich in anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe the swollen areas.
4. Repelling Bed Bugs

Bed bugs usually hide in your mattress, bed sheet, and the headboard of your bed. A bar of scented-soap under your mattress or sheet is helpful in keeping the insects away. You can also add a few drops of essential oil to enhance the effect.
5. Easing Menstrual Pains

According to The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, when the soap's scent is absorbed through the skin, it can help relieve menstrual cramps. In this case, try placing a bar of soap in your bed for a calming effect when your time of the month arrives.
6. What Scents Are Recommended?

You can try going for any scent that is soothing in nature, such as lavender, lemon, and cinnamon. Just put the soap in your bed overnight and let it work its magic.
7. A Friendly Reminder

Though this tip might be inexpensive and helpful, please be extra cautious if you're experiencing severe leg cramps or muscle pains. We recommend you to ask for professional advice from your doctor.