Confused by prices and regulations when you need to buy car insurance? Not sure which policy is more valuable when comparing quotes from different insurers? Here is a list of 10 companies that offer the best value car insurance. Hope to be helpful to your choice!

With special offers for people in the military and their relatives, USAA wins people's hearts with its low price, $943 a year, and top-notch service. It covers all 50 states and even Washington, D.C. You can get a discount if you hold a 5-year clean record and have passed the defensive driving course.

GEICO, the best-known auto insurer, offers an average quote of just $1,356 a year. In addition to its affordable price, GEICO also offers discounts to reduce the total premium, such as a clean 5-year driver history wins you a 26% discount, and good grades in school can also give you a up to 15% discount.
3. New Jersey Manufacturers NJM

New Jersey Manufacturers (NJM) offers a quote of just $1,560 a year, including car theft and cover accident damages. The only disadvantage of NJM is that it only serves 2 states, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, which causes inconveniences if you need face-to-face communication.
4. Mercury

Mercury ranks fourth in market size, serving 10 states, including Texas and Arizona. It's quoted at just $1,860 per year, making it a fair option for those with only basic needs for auto insurance.
5. State Farm

Founded in 1922, State Farm is a reliable car insurance company that serves all 50 states across the U.S. Although its average quote, at $2,192, is a little pricier than those mentioned above, policyholders can reduce the costs by doing qualifying activities.
6. Ameriprise Financial

Once a division of American Express, Ameriprise Financial is now an independent company with 2 million customers. Its average quote is about $2,201 a year, and there will be a discount if you are a loyal client.
7. Erie Insurance

Erie Indemnity Company's average auto quote costs $2,405 per year. It includes some extra bonuses that are not usually offered by other insurance companies, such as accident forgiveness and pet injury coverage. Every year, if you don't file a claim, the deductible goes down by $100.
8. Amica

As one of the country's leading insurance companies, Amica offers a relatively high price of about $2,795. Although it is expensive, there are ways to get a lower quote, such as you have anti-theft protection for your car or have been a loyal customer for more than 2 years.
9. Progressive

Progressive is a highly rated car insurance company with an average quote of $2,930 a year. One reason for the high price is its online portal. By managing everything online, you can save time on agent calls and money on document printing.
10. Allstate

While Allstate's $3,307 quote knocks it off the driver's list of top picks, the company's A+ service is worth the price. It also offers several discounts, including a safe driver discount and a 5-year clean history discount.