Donald Trump is well-known for many things, including knowing how to do business. Trump may not be the smartest pea in the pod, but he sure knows how to make money out of seemingly thin air. Former US President had dipped his toes in hundreds of different ventures before he decided to run for office, but even after his time ran out, Trump was sitting on hundreds of millions of dollars in liquid assets.

It’s true that Trump is no longer one of the world’s wealthiest people, only reaching Forbes 400 richest American ranking, but this guy has been quietly churning out millions of dollars for months now! He’s probably climbed quite a few positions on that list, as he only needed about $500 mil to get back into the big league again. So how did Trump manage to get filthy rich this time around? He wrote a book. Well, “wrote” is an exaggeration, but you’ll get it.

Unlike his predecessors, the former US President did not hesitate to write his memoirs and released a book titled “Our Journey Together” about his presidential term shortly after leaving the White House. But it’s not exactly the kind of a book you may think it is.
The book is a collection of photos taken during Donald Trump’s tenure as President of the United States. Our Journey Together went on sale without any huge announcements or expensive advertising campaigns, but it has already managed to bring the author tens of millions of dollars in profit.
The photos used for this book are not at all exclusive since the vast majority of them were taken by the official photographer of the White House and were previously published, so what’s so special about “Our Journey Together?”
The most valuable thing in this hilarious book is the comments handwritten by Trump, who is known for his brash and unrestrained attitude.

According to the book’s publisher, the ex-president gave his supporters exactly what they expected from him: The Journey contains 300 photographs of politicians and famous personalities and Trump’s take on them. Often offensive, and sometimes simply obscene.
“Our Journey Together” has sold over $20 million copies in less than two months since it went on sale in late November. The price tag was not that bad either, about $75 for a regular book and $230 if you wanted your copy to get signed by Trump.

Sadly, the supply did not meet the extremely high demand, so people who ordered “Our Journey Together” likely won’t see their books until late February or early March. Current Internet searches for available books turn up nothing, except for copies sold by third parties. A signed copy on Amazon, sold as a “collector’s copy,” costs $1,749. And the cost of other signed books on eBay ranges from $950 to $1300.
The only thing preventing Trump from putting his signature on tens of thousands of copies of “Our Journey Together” right now is, ironically, the supply chain problems Republicans have been trying to blame on his successor. There’s simply not enough paper.

Would you buy Trump’s book for memes and giggles?