Former US president, Donald Trump, is famous not only for his business endeavors and ridiculous Twitter posts but also for all those sitcom-worthy situations in which he finds himself more often than any other world leader.
Trump’s presidency is coming to an end, which naturally irks a good chunk of the American population, but that’s how democracy works, people. Deal with it like adults, not like a bunch of 3-year-olds throwing heavily armed tantrums. But that’s a subject for another time. Right now, let’s dig into some hilarious things Trump did in the last four years!
Thanks to Jules Suzdaltsev on Twitter, we can all take a stroll down memory lane and witness some of the weirdest and dumbest things Trump has done while arguably being the most powerful person in the world.
1. Starting off with throwing some paper towels at people after the hurricane decimated Puerto Rico

2. Or how about this classic: Trump saluting a general who’s obviously reaching for a handshake.

3. Speaking of handshakes, Donnie has a real nasty one, where he keeps doing it for like 20 seconds.

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4. Smooching the American flag

5. Remember that time he got a piece of TP stuck on the shoe? The Internet never forgets.

6. He told a 7-year-old kid that Santa isn’t real… ON CHRISTMAS!

7. Ever heard if tie clips? Nah, let’s just tape it together.

8. He was signing the Bible. Why? Did he think he wrote it? Worst part is, it’s not the worst thing he signed.

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9. Even the way he stands makes people uneasy.

10. This “daisy chain” started as a simple handshake. Cue the Benny Hill music.

11. Trump was okay with taking off his mask and risking the lives of everyone around him, even though he was actively contagious with COVID-19.

12. He crossed out the words “COVID virus” from his speech and replaced them with “CHINESE virus.”

13. Aww, lil’ Donnie doesn’t know what the American flag looks like.
14. He paced in front of the Queen, making her walk around him when he stopped, like a giant toddler with no spatial awareness.

15. And finally, let’s never forget that he put his autographs on the photos of people who were murdered by undocumented immigrants.