7 Reasons Why You Should Get Married After 30


So when is the right time to get married? We all know it’s no longer something we actually have to do, but most people still choose to get married, because it’s like a gesture of love, a big party and in some countries, there are certain benefits that come with married life. But if you feel like you’re being pushed to get married before thirty cause it’ll be too late after – stop and think about it. What’s the rush? You will always be able to get married, but divorces suck, not only emotionally but financially too. So it’s always better to wait until you’re absolutely sure instead of rushing into it. In fact, here are some very good reasons to only get married after 30.

1. You’ll know what you actually want from your partner. It takes a while to figure out what you like and what you need versus the idea of what you imagine perfect relationships to be like based on movies. You’ll be surprised how different real life is to what Hollywood has us believe, and which parts the movies romanticise and which parts are actually important and valuable.

7 Reasons Why You Should Get Married After 30 | Her Beauty

2. You’ll be a lot better at communicating your needs, thoughts and opinions to your partner instead of just hoping they can read your mind. We’re all very emotional and rash in our 20s, we’re just learning and growing and becoming a person we will be. It’s a difficult time to try and form a lasting partnership because you might literally be a different person in a year or two.

7 Reasons Why You Should Get Married After 30 #2 | Her Beauty

3. You’re far more likely to be better off financially in your thirties than you are in your twenties. We’re not saying you’ll know everything in your thirties, many of us still struggle with who we want to be and what our career should look like even in our thirties, but at least by this time most of us manage to learn how to deal with money.

7 Reasons Why You Should Get Married After 30 #3 | Her Beauty

4. You’ll have more time to experiment, travel, try new things and have various experiences. You’ll date around, you’ll have the freedom of having a fling and then never caring to see them again. You might think it’s silly, but it’s better to try it all and get it out of your system, instead of getting married early and wondering what that would be like.

5. Forever’s a long time these days. People live longer than ever before, so getting married in your thirties will still leave you with at least half a century of married life. There’s no need to rush. You’ll still get your forever if you wait a little to tie the knot. Plus, you can always just try and live with someone before marrying them, it’s a great way to learn the person’s true colors and what they’re like in their daily life and daily habits.

7 Reasons Why You Should Get Married After 30 #5 | Her Beauty

6. You’ll appreciate married life way more if you get married in your thirties. By this time most people get the majority of their wild partying, and crazy dramatic arguments out of the way and are ready to settle down into a lovely life with a person they feel safe and comfortable to be themselves with.

7 Reasons Why You Should Get Married After 30 #6 | Her Beauty

7. And finally, you’ll probably just have a better wedding in your thirties. You’ll know what you want it to look like and have the means to pay for the perfect venue, dress, decorations, etc. You’ll know who your real friends are and who are the people you want to celebrate with. You’ll be more confident and able to do stuff your way and not just try to please your parents or worry about what aunt Susan will think of your first dance. In fact, aunt Susan is not getting an invite cause no one needs her negative vibes at your wedding.

7 Reasons Why You Should Get Married After 30 #7 | Her Beauty

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