11 Things You Never Knew About Chrissy Teigen


Supermodel Chrissy Teigan serves up fierce angles and is married to smoldering singer John Legend. But what else do you know about her? She’s known for her hilarious tweets (although some of them may have gotten her under fire recently) and her sense of humor is clearly her strong suit outside of looks. But besides her funny-girl vibes, we don’t know too much about the Chrissy Teigan backstory. Here are the unknown tips to brush up on now.

  1. Her childhood was spent moving around.

When she was a kid, her family moved everywhere. Even though she was born in Delta, Utah, she didn’t grow up there. Instead, she spent years in a few states including Washington, Hawaii, Idaho and California.

11 Things You Never Knew About Chrissy Teigen | Her Beauty

2. In classic cool girl form, she worked at a surf shop

Unlike a lot of models who come from wealth, she had to work for a surf shop. Way cooler than our first retail job! She got this job at 18, on Huntington Beach, where her family finally settled.

11 Things You Never Knew About Chrissy Teigen #2 | Her Beauty

3. She got discovered at the surf shop

Amazingly, while she was working at the surf shop, she got discovered by a photographer. He happened to have connections, and once he saw her potential, her success skyrocketed, with this as the defining moment that her beauty was publicly recognized.

4. Her favorite word is a swear word

If you thought that swearing wasn’t ladylike, then you’re wrong, because Chrissy Teigan is an incredible lady, and she swears like a sailor. Her favorite word is the F word, and it’s famous enough for you to probably guess what it is. When she’s interviewed, she has to be careful with her words, since this one seems to pop up quite easily.

11 Things You Never Knew About Chrissy Teigen #4 | Her Beauty

5. She got her first gig on a game show

If Vanna White could do it, why couldn’t Chrissy? She was actually hired as an alternate! It was for the game show “Deal or No Deal” between 2006-2007. Even many Teigan die-hard fans don’t know this facto – look at old clips from the NBC show back in the early 2000s and you’ll see her in the background!

11 Things You Never Knew About Chrissy Teigen #5 | Her Beauty

6. Forever 21 called her fat

Well, we know what clothing store we’re not buying clothes from anymore! The retail giant had the audacity to literally call her fat. She got to a photoshoot with the brand, ad was promptly told to leave because she was fat. We’ve heard of cruel stories from the modeling industry, but for a brand this big to be so unprofessional? So disrespectful. She’s not even plus size!

11 Things You Never Knew About Chrissy Teigen #6 | Her Beauty

7. “All of Me” by John Legend was written for her.

This song was a huge hit by Legend, and with the opening line “what would I do without your smart mouth?” We should have guessed that years ago. Her hubby confirmed that the song was in fact written about her, and Teigan told the media that she never gets tired of hearing it. *Sigh*. Guess there are love stories that are like Netflix movies.

11 Things You Never Knew About Chrissy Teigen #7 | Her Beauty

8. She rocked three dresses at her wedding

When you can’t chose one…chose three? Chrissy Teigan found it tough deciding on a single wedding dress, so she got a few. One was for the ceremony, one for the reception ,and the third for the after-party. The wedding dress itself was like a fairytale, but it was that after-party look that we have a feeling Teigan totally nailed.

9. She leaves the cap off the toothpaste

Of course we know this tidbit from John, who gets extremely frustrated when she does this. There’s always one person with messy bathroom habit in the relationship – are you that person, or is it bae? Apparently, when Legend finds the toothpaste this way, he puts it on super slowly and gives her “a look.” We all know “the look” in our relationship!

11 Things You Never Knew About Chrissy Teigen #8 | Her Beauty

10. She’s a total foodie

If there was another word for someone utterly obsessed with cookbooks, then she’s that as well. People collect stamps and dolls all the time – Chrissy, on the other hand, is always on the lookout for new cookbooks. Even on a flight, you can probably catch her reading a cookbook. Apart from cooking literature, Teigan is simply obsessed with food and carbs specifically, which is especially awesome since she’s in a field where bodies are constantly scrutinized.

11 Things You Never Knew About Chrissy Teigen #9 | Her Beauty

11. She met John Legend on a music video shoots that she was a vixen in

In 2006, they met, but not on set. It was a little more behind the scenes. She introduced herself by walking into his dressing room, and he happened to be ironing his own underwear. We bet this queen of jokes had a field day with that! After the shoot, they went to get some burgers, and the rest was history.

11 Things You Never Knew About Chrissy Teigen #10 | Her Beauty
Source: herbeauty.co

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