Ten Most Costly Religious Structures Ever Constructed

We realize that wherever of love, be it a sanctuary, or a congregation, or a mosque, is loved for its otherworldly and social qualities. In any case, a portion of these strict structures are more amazing than others. At whatever point you see them, there's generally one inquiry that rings a bell: what amount of cash did it cost to fabricate this perfect work of art? To respond to this inquiry, let us examine the absolute most costly strict structures on the planet. 

Basilica of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Aparecida – $50.000.000 

Not at all like the Holy person Dwindle's Basilica in Vatican City, Basilica in Brazil looks in no way like a congregation to me. Perhaps this is on the grounds that it was worked in the twentieth century, and the engineering has a progressively contemporary vibe. What's more, since Brazil has the most elevated centralization of Catholics on the planet, it's sheltered to state that the Basilica of the National Sanctuary of Our Woman of Aparecida is viewed as the most holy spot for Catholics in Brazil.

Angkor Wat – Priceless
It’s just impossible to estimate the price for this magnificent work or art. Located in Cambodia, this enormous Buddist temple was built in the 14th century and  has long been considered a World Heritage site.
Angkor Wat | 10 Most Expensive Religious Buildings Ever Constructed | ZestRadar

Solomon’s Temple – $300.000.000
Here’s another remarkable sight located in Brazil, in Sao Paulo to be exact. The new version of Solomon’s Temple is four times the size of the original temple described in the Bible. The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God spent $300,000,000 to build this amazing replica in 2014. The main sanctuary has 10k seats for the worshippers, but the most impressive part is said to be the large central altar with the Ark of the Covenant covered in gold.
Solomon’s Temple  | 10 Most Expensive Religious Buildings Ever Constructed | ZestRadar
Saint Peter’s Basilica – $
Saint Peter’s Basilica may not be the largest church in the world (though the Statue of Liberty can fit inside of it), but it’s definitely the most valuable and expensive one. And everyone who visited Saint Peter’s Basilica agreed on one thing – it isn’t just beautiful, it’s fascinating!
Saint Peter's Basilica   | 10 Most Expensive Religious Buildings Ever Constructed | ZestRadar
Notre Dame – Over $
When Notre Dame got severely damaged by the fire, the rich people from all over the world donated $1 billion to renovate the cathedral. I know it’s hard to estimate the value for a building that is basically a priceless piece of art, but I guess this is the closest to the approximate price we can get.
Notre Dame  | 10 Most Expensive Religious Buildings Ever Constructed | ZestRadar
Harmandir Sahib – Approximately $
Located in Punjab, India, Harmandir Sahib aka the Golden Temple is literally made of gold. It is covered in 30 layers of 24-karat gold and is considered the most valuable building in India.
Harmandir Sahib  | 10 Most Expensive Religious Buildings Ever Constructed | ZestRadar
Shwedagon Pagoda – $
There is something magical about this place. A massive 99 meters high pagoda is surrounded by numerous golden plated stupas making it a massive 114-acre Buddist complex. However this place has not always been this huge. According to history, the pagoda itself was built in the 6th century. All other structures and smaller stupas have been added to the picture later on. 
Shwedagon Pagoda  | 10 Most Expensive Religious Buildings Ever Constructed | ZestRadar
La Sagrada Familia – Priceless
It’s hard to find a person who was not impressed with the beauty of this legendary sight. What many don’t know is that the construction of it is still in progress. It started in 1883 and is due to be concluded in 2026. When it’s finished, La Sagrada Familia is going to be the tallest religious building in the world.
La Sagrada Familia  | 10 Most Expensive Religious Buildings Ever Constructed | ZestRadar
Padmanabhaswamy Temple – $22.000.000
Even though this gorgeous temple dates from the 16th century, it took us centuries to appreciate its value. Imagine the surprise of the Indian government when they opened the vaults and revealed $22 billion treasure that has been hidden inside the temple for the last 500 years.
Padmanabhaswamy Temple  | 10 Most Expensive Religious Buildings Ever Constructed | ZestRadar
Masjid al-Haram – $
It turns out that the most expensive religious building is also the priciest building in the world. The Masjid Al-Haram is located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, and it covers about 356,800 square meters and can accomodate 4,000,000 people. No wonder it was proclaimed the Mother of all mosques in the world.
Masjid al-Haram | 10 Most Expensive Religious Buildings Ever Constructed | ZestRadar

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