Eight Dark Superheroes Who Merit Their Own Films And Shows

We were totally excited when we saw increasingly dark hero motion pictures and shows spring up as of late. It's about time they got the main jobs they merited. We cherished the Luke Pen arrangement on Netflix, everybody went distraught for Dark Jaguar and Bug man: Into the Creepy crawly Refrain was such an enormous hit we despite everything can't quiet down about it. You'd think this implies we'll be seeing increasingly more dark superheroes in driving jobs, wouldn't you? In any case, it doesn't seem as though it at this time. Luke Confine was dropped by Netflix alongside Jessica Jones and Adrenaline junkie and we haven't seen any new secrets separated from Into the Creepy crawly Stanza and Dark Jaguar getting continuations sooner or later in 2022. This is only a bit strange thinking about what number of cool dark comic book superheroes are out there. So here's a rundown of dark superheroes who merit their own motion pictures and shows. 

1. Nick Fury

He probably won't have exacting superpowers however who minds, he's a superhuman in our eyes. Scratch Wrath played by Samuel L.Jackson is certainly somebody we'd prefer to see more. A side project show pretty much what sort of boss things Scratch Wrath gets up to would be totally astonishing, much thanks. In any case, Samuel L. Jackson is most likely excessively occupied and unreasonably cool for an arrangement, so an all out film would be far superior. Simply envision that film, it would be half backtalk half boss.

2. Storm

Remember Storm from X-men? Yeah, we’d like her to have her own spin-off. A mutant black lady who can control the weather? Can you imagine the comic possibilities? But also, she’s just a cool character we’d like to see at the forefront of the show or a movie. They’ve made so many Wolverine movies, can we have some Storm now?
Storm | 8 Black Superheroes Who Deserve Their Own Movies And Shows | Zestradar

3. Frozone

Yes, more Samuel L.Jackson, you can never have enough, don’t even argue. We’re pretty sure that if a Frozone movie was made it would become legendary overnight. It would be hilarious, it would be brilliant, it would definitely be unique. And the opportunities to explore the story of Frozone deeper are definitely out there.
Frozone | 8 Black Superheroes Who Deserve Their Own Movies And Shows | Zestradar

4. War Machine

Don Cheadle’s James “Rhodey” Rhodes is a great character and he’s Tony Stark’s best friend. So we’d actually love to see the roles flip and have War Machine take the lead in a movie or a show and just occasionally see Iron Man pop in and be a side character for once. How would his ego deal with that? We’re not sure Tony would know what to do in that situation. But War Machine definitely deserves the spotlight.
War Machine | 8 Black Superheroes Who Deserve Their Own Movies And Shows | Zestradar

5. Misty Knight

Simone Missick’s portrayal of Misty Knight on Luke Cage and Iron fist was pretty cool and we’d love to see more of her. Her backstory is fascinating and we’d love to see her be a superhero and run a detective agency at the same time. 
Misty Knight | 8 Black Superheroes Who Deserve Their Own Movies And Shows | Zestradar

6. Batwing

So this is how the movie would go — Batman is looking for a protege and finds Batwing, the Batman of Africa. He trains him, decks him out with gear and essentially we get a DC version of Tony Stark babysitting Spiderman. Except this would be so much better because we imagine it funnier and we expect Batwing to exceed all expectation and get his own series. And DC definitely needs a win. 
Batwing | 8 Black Superheroes Who Deserve Their Own Movies And Shows | Zestradar

7. Nubia

So Wonder Woman was a success. Why not bring her long lost sister Nubia into the universe. The story is that she was abducted as a kid and brainwashed to challenge Wonder Woman. In the comics, Wonder Woman had a really hard time defeating Nubia to be able to break the spell and give Nubia her memories back. After Nubia returned to her senses she joined forces with Wonder Woman. Wouldn’t you love to see that?
Nubia | 8 Black Superheroes Who Deserve Their Own Movies And Shows | Zestradar

8. Cyborg

Some might say that Cyborg is just the DC version of Robocop but we think he’s much more than that. Plus it would be nice to see a new character not a lot of people know much about, instead of recycling big well-known ones that keep doing pretty bad at the box office. Like can we please stop with superman for a decade? Give some new obscure characters a try. It worked for Guardians of the Galaxy so why wouldn’t it for Cyborg?
Cyborg | 8 Black Superheroes Who Deserve Their Own Movies And Shows | Zestradar

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