This global pandemic has got us all stuck at home and bored, but it’s not that bad. Because the longer you’re bored the more creative you become. Think about it, how many new shows have you discovered, how many live streams have you been part of and how many of us have already had wine parties over skype or zoom? Yup, we’re all coming up with ways to alleviate our boredom, be it by building forts for the kids out of pillows, teaching your dog new tricks or testing just how smart your cat is. Artists are painting, poets are writing, musicians are composing new stuff. But some of us just miss the ability to go to a museum. Well, some museums are offering creative solutions for you. The Getty museum, for example, suggested that people try to recreate works of art using items you have at home and the results are hilarious.
In case you want to play along the rules listed by the Getty Museum are pretty simple. You choose a work of art, then pick 3 items that you have at home to recreate it, do your best to recreate it and post the photo online and tag the museum. These days many other museums are encouraging people to do this too and you don’t even have to be limited to just 3 items. It’s basically a great way to show your love of art and an exercise in resourcefulness and creativity. Some people have tried their best to recreate the works of art as close as possible, while others took a humorous approach, either way, we urge you to look it up online and try your hand at this challenge too. In the meantime here are some of our favourite artwork recreations we’ve found online.
1. Who knew you could do so much with a blanket? I mean, that is one stylish blanket.

2. This is the most hilarious one we’ve seen so far and it’s so spot on it’s kinda freaky!

3. Girl with a pearl earring, animal edition.

4.Young Van Gough, so young his beard is sponsored by Sharpie markers.

5. Who said you have to be in the picture to recreate it?

6. Modern monarchs show off their status with the amount of toilet paper rolls they own.

7.A truly modernised version of art.

8. The resemblance is uncanny. Honestly, props to the author.

9. Gotta love a humorous approach to this challenge. This is one of the best ones.

10. Man with a watch became a man with a tin of cat food and a tote bag on his head.

11. We should take creative photos like these more often!

12. This Van Eyck’s masterpiece was posted on Twitter with a caption “meanwhile in Iceland”.

13. Who just has a harpe laying around in their house?
14.So simple yet so accurate. Love the attention to detail in this one.

15. Get the kids involved too, what a fun way to get them interested in art.