8 New Technologies That Look Like Total Witchcraft

  Gadgets & Science  
We’re living in a world that already looks a bit like a sci-fi movie with robotic priests, drones flying everywhere, cyberwars, and Internet that is getting faster and faster as we speak, connecting the whole world. Not to mention all the space tech advancements, the mission to bring humans to Mars, and the bizarre discoveries in quantum physics. But even living in this world filled with unbelievable discoveries, there are still some that are exceptionally mind-bending and seem like something you could only see in a book or a movie tagged as ‘magic’. Here are 8 new technologies that look like total witchcraft.
Self-healing car
It seems that machines are getting smarter and smarter as we speak, moving towards the future when they will be able to fully replicate themselves, leading to numerous dystopian scenarios. Well, until that happens, we have the amazing Terzo Millenio, a spectacular car created by Lamborghini that can already detect cracks in its body, feel them with nanotubes, and heal itself in no time. The goal is to create cars that will be able to detect minor and major problems and fix them right on the go, while driving – from puffing your tires an replacing the battery to deeper changes in the car’s build.
Self-healing car | 8 New Technologies That Look Like Total Witchcraft | ZestRadar
Meat from labs
Despite the increased interest in veganism and other non-meat-eating lifestyles, the majority of humanity enjoys consuming meat and will probably will be needing 70% more of it by the time we reach 2050, according to research. Growing animals for eating has proven to be an environmental hazard, so scientists are coming up with new ways to synthesize meat that will look and taste just the same. Real – life meat grown in a bioreactors and millions of innocent lives saved every year – how cool is that?
Meat from labs | 8 New Technologies That Look Like Total Witchcraft | ZestRadar

The name of the company Holosonics sounds menacing enough and for a reason! It has developed the frightening Audio Spotlight System – a special tech that can produce sound in narrow beams, which are later sent right into your ear using tiny speakers and ultrasonic frequencies. Soon you’ll be passing a shop and voice ‘in your head’ will start whispering some ad-related stuff you won’t be able to turn off. It will be a world with no privacy whatsoever.
Holosonics | 8 New Technologies That Look Like Total Witchcraft | ZestRadar

DNA hacking
DNA engineering would seem like real witchcraft to people even 10 years ago, not to mention earlier periods! Instead of fighting the consequences, science tries to get to the root of the problem and remove the very thing that created it in the first place – a specific gene! Geneticists have recently invented a synthetic chromosome that can replicate itself endlessly. Once inserted into the cell of you DNA it will gradually change its structure, according to its programming.
DNA hacking | 8 New Technologies That Look Like Total Witchcraft | ZestRadar
MakerBot Replicator 2
3D printing has been around for quite some time now, but it is only now that it’s getting advanced enough to be used by military organizations and terrorist groups. We’ve reached the point where you can print almost anything from plane parts to toys and actual weapons. Machines like MakerBot Replicator 2 are already used for scams – one man printed out a whole front of an ATM terminal and scammed around $400,000 from people’s ATM cards!
MakerBot Replicator 2 | 8 New Technologies That Look Like Total Witchcraft | ZestRadar

Self-driving car
Oh, driverless cars are both fascinating and incredibly scary because trusting your life to a machine, no matter how smart, just seems like a crazy thing to do. Yet Google is developing its very own self-driving car, promising full control of traffic and super safe environment. It’s hard to believe now that it’ll be possible as there will always be people on the roads and that’s a human factor that will be really hard to predict or analyse on time. Still, the concept is cool and we’ll see more than a few self-driving cars on the roads soon enough!
Self-driving car | 8 New Technologies That Look Like Total Witchcraft | ZestRadar

Gut probe pill
Medical technologies, just like everything else, are becoming more precise and smaller in size. No more painful and invasive endoscopes – soon Guillermo Tearney will finish his project and checking your stomach will become as easy as swallowing a pill. That’s right! Packed with microscopes and some power source, this pill will not only see everything a doctor will want to see, but it will also be able to collect tissue samples!
Gut probe pill | 8 New Technologies That Look Like Total Witchcraft | ZestRadar

Evolving robots
Yet, this is exactly how all robotic catastrophes start in movies – they create a machine that can learn on its own and, this is exactly how all robotic catastrophes start in movies – they create a machine that can learn on its own and, this is exactly how all robotic catastrophes start in movies – they create a machine that can learn on its own and it soon gets out of hand. Well, project Dactyl is far from that, yet things can change in the blink of an eye.

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