Humans have six basic senses: hearing, smell, taste, touch, sight, and seeing dead people. We would love to tell you about all of them, but we’re kind of busy right now. It’s almost naptime, you see. But let’s do this as a compromise: we will share some amazing facts about sound that are sure to please and/or damage your eardrums. For maximum effectiveness, ask a friend or random stranger to read the article out loud and enjoy the sensation of their rich, deep, baritone voice vibrating against your cochlea.
Sound Cannot Be Heard in Space
Remember near the end of Star Wars Episodes 1, 4, 6, and 7 when the good guys blow up a Trade Federation Control Ship, Death Star, Death Star 2, and Planet That Has Been Converted Into a Super Huge Death Star Thingy, respectively? The sound of the explosions must have been insane, right? Actually, you were fed a bunch of lies. Yoda is real. But sounds in space? Not so much. You see, sound is created when air molecules vibrate into our ears. But since air molecules don’t exist in space, there can be no sound. So next time you watch a science fiction movie with friends, demand that it be played on mute. You might lose your friends forever, but at least the film will gain scientific accuracy!
A Whip Crackin’ Good Time
When a problem comes along, what must you do? Whip it, obviously. And what should you do before the cream sits out too long? You know the answer! Whooo-pish!!! Whip it real good! When you bust out a whip – as you are wont to do – the loud cracking sound is the result of the tip moving so quickly that it actually breaks the sound barrier! As for the subsequent sounds of “Thank you, Sir! May I have another?” we can only speculate. And speculate we will, you kinky chipmunk you!