It’s safe to assume that if you’re reading this you probably sit at your computer for a long time. It’s ok, we’re not judging you, we all have desk jobs, even those lucky enough to be freelancers still sit at their laptops for hours. And therefore we all experience back pain, especially lower back pain. In order to ease that pain or prevent it, you’ve got to move around. Make sure you go for walks, or at least stand up every 30 minutes or so to do a short work or a couple of stretches. Speaking of stretches, here are the best stretches to ease lower back pain. Try to do these daily if you want to see real results and forget about lower back pain.
1. Child’s Pose
Doing the child pose is a great way to take the pressure off of your lower back. When doing it you elongate your spine while also decompressing and aligning it. It’s a nice stretch and it feels good. Start out on all fours with your knees hip-width apart and lay your torso down on your thighs. Put your hands up in front of you and try to stretch forward, as if to elongate your whole spine and neck. It’s best to relax into it and stay in the pose for at least a minute or two.
2. Trunk Rotation Stretch
This is a great stretch to do and if you’ve been sitting all day long you’re bound to feel your muscles relaxing and might possibly feel that satisfying crack as you do it. The idea is to lay down on your back, keep your shoulders and upper back flat on the floor while twisting your feet first to one side, then the other.