6 Signs You’re Too Old To Be Playing Games

The current generation of the people getting older is the generation that grew up with videogames. They saw the rise of the Nintendo Entertainment System, the coming of the first Playstation and they remember back when a computer with 90 mhz of processing speed was considered a high end gaming pc.
But as technology evolves, so do people. You probably might be getting a bit too old to play games, and here’s a few things that might tell you gaming isn’t for you anymore.
You Nodded In The Intro Of This Article
Look, if you saw the birth of the NES and can remember back when computers had megahertz processors, you probably have way bigger stuff on your plate than playing videogames. It’s time to move on.

You Nodded In The Intro Of This Article |  6 Signs You’re Too Old To Be Playing Games | BrainBerries
You Play On Easy Difficulty
Come on. You might as well watch a movie if you’re going to play the game for the story alone.
You Play On Easy Difficulty | 6 Signs You’re Too Old To Be Playing Games | BrainBerries
You Have No Patience Anymore
Remember spending weeks on a game section over a decade ago? Imagine doing that now. If it sounds like a horrible time, gaming probably isn’t for you anymore.
You Have No Patience Anymore |  6 Signs You’re Too Old To Be Playing Games | BrainBerries
You Miss The Old Games
You don’t miss the old games, you miss not being old yourself. It’s not the nineties anymore, you have responsibilities now and Hyrule will do perfectly fine without you.
You Miss The Old Games | 6 Signs You’re Too Old To Be Playing Games | BrainBerries
You Used To Be Better At It
Remember being top of your team in Counter-Strike when it just came out? Seems like all you do in the modern CS is run around getting shot without even seeing who did it. It’s not the game’s fault: you’ve gotten old and you’re bad at gaming now.

You Forget Where You Are When You Resume A Game
Sometimes you just have to let a game rest for a few weeks. Once you get older though, you’ll spend the first three days after a break trying to retrace your steps and puzzle together what you were doing and what your mission was.
You Forget Where You Are When You Resume A Game |  6 Signs You’re Too Old To Be Playing Games | BrainBerries

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